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Greetings from the representative

In November 2014, MK Trading LLC started auction trading andEstablished in November 2014 with the head office address in Ota-ku, Tokyo for the purpose of export.

About a year later, I obtained a secondhand dealer license and started a used car sales business in Fuchu City.


In 2020, the Nihonbashi Sales Office of the International Logistics Division will beWith the addition of experienced personnel, we decided to set up a forwarder division for marine transportation.At the same time, it is a young division that has just obtained approval for the first class freight forwarding business (international shipping).

Employees say that the location in Nihonbashi is convenient for access to shipping companies and trading companies in Tokyo.decided by opinion.


Under the slogan of “Total Transportation,” the Logistics Department is still working with a small number of staff.businessHowever, we will travel all over Japan (including local ports) with the cooperation of not only customs brokers but also shipping companies.advantageousWe strive every day to provide the best possible shipping.

However, our department has faced an unprecedented corona disaster since its launch,We were faced with a big whirlpool that would be a change in logistics that no one had ever experienced.

Schedule delays andcontainerThe shortage has become the norm, and furthermore, the freight rate has risen beyond imagination due to the lack of shipping capacity, which is a triple whammy.

However, I take it positively that this is also a valuable experience, and every daycoordination and negotiationWe are doing Also, the high prices that are occurring all over the world areIt is largely due to stagnation, and you can directly feel such a dynamic changeI feel that this work is both interesting and rewarding.


The items we handle are steel products, machinery and equipment, construction machinery, used cars, Auto Parts,We handle general consumer goods mainly in Southeast Asia, India, and the Middle East.Inquiries about cargo to North America are also increasing, and with the slogan of Total TransportationWe would like to further deepen our involvement in proactive logistics.


In March of this year, we became a member of JIFFA, and we are expanding our business to gain a sense of security and trust from our business partners.We will share information with everyone, cooperate with the logistics industry in a small way, and develop the company.I want to go.



August 2022

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CEO Sadahiro Kazama

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[Nihonbashi Office]

Integrated Logistics Division

Location: 〒103-0014

5F Nihonbashi YT Building, 1-21-7 Nihonbashi Kakigara-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo


Fax: 03-5801-9981


国際物流 事業部



野村不動産御堂筋本町ビル9F T-13


FAX : 06-7739-5124



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